Eric Pfahler Personal Training Palm Beach County Delray Beach Florida

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Private Personal Training Delray Beach, FL

Fit2Box StorefrontEric's vision for his first Fit2Box fitness studio was to create a comfortable, friendly and stress-free environment in which to train people of all fitness levels so they can accomplish their fitness goals and relieve stress with a fun and invigorating workout.

After opening several locations, it became evident that our clients enjoyed the "privacy factor" and having a studio space all to themselves . At Fit2Box we only schedule one client (or couple) at a time providing a "totally private session". This became an important part of the model. "It's like having a certified personal trainer or boxing / kickboxing trainer in your very own fitness studio."

Owner's Thoughts

"I believe that training in a positive environment is necessary to accomplish one’s fitness goals, especially if done in moderation under the guidance of a professional. I am confident that I can help you achieve your fitness goals because I will be there as a trainer, workout partner and friend.
I look forward to providing you the best personal training service along with a fun and effective workout in a private, stress-free studio setting"

Eric G Pfahler
ACE Certified Personal Trainer

If you have any questions or you'd like to set up an appointment, please call or text me
in Palm Beach County Florida at 954-816-4858.
Or you can contact me at the following

I look forward to hearing from you!